Autumn Equinox Abundance Ritual with Cacao


We are approaching the Autumn Equinox, a time of balance and harvest, when day and night are of equal length. It's the perfect moment to align with the abundant energy of the season and manifest your desires, so this month’s ritual is all about abundance.

Materials Needed

  1. A cup of warm Ritual Cacao

  2. A small piece of cacao or cacao nibs

  3. A quiet and comfortable space

  4. A journal and pen

  5. Candle and lighter

  6. Crystals (optional)

  7. Fall foliage or flowers (optional)

Ritual Steps

  1. Prepare the Cacao

    Lovingly prepare a cup of Ritual Cacao, taking the time to think about your intentions while making this brew. Talk to the cacao, sing to the brew, or just think it all through, express your intentions into the universe in which ever way makes you feel most comfortable. CLICK HERE for recipes ideas.

  2. Set the Scene

    Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed (this ritual can be done indoor or outdoors). If you have crystals or autumnal decorations, place them around your space. Light a candle to symbolise the transition of seasons, and think about and visualise your intentions, wishes and anything you want to manifest very clearly.

  3. Ground Yourself

    Once your Cacao brew has cooled a little and intentions have been set, sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment. Smell the delicious aroma of the warm Cacao, feel the warmth on your hands, and begin to drink your brew.

  4. Chocolate Meditation

    When you’re ready, take the piece of dark chocolate or cacao nibs in your hand. Close your eyes and take a moment to appreciate the cacao's aroma and texture, put this down when you’re ready. As you savour your Cacao brew, visualise the energy of abundance flowing into your life. And feel gratitude for the abundance you already have.

  5. State Your Intention Clearly

    With your cup of Cacao in hand, state your intention clearly and positively, and say it out loud. For example, "I am open to receiving abundance in all aspects of my life." Visualise your intention coming to fruition as you slowly sip and savour the cacao. Feel the warmth and richness of abundance filling you you up.

  6. Journal Your Thoughts

    Open your journal and write down your intention and any insights or feelings that arise during the ritual. This is important and you will thank yourself later.

  7. Express Gratitude

    Take a moment to express gratitude for the Autumn Equinox and the abundance that is already present in your life. Write down three things you are grateful in your journal.

  8. Closing

    Blow out the candle to signify the end of the ritual. If you have fall foliage or flowers, you can arrange them as a tree offering, to say thanks to nature.

  9. Follow-Up

    Keep your journal and revisit your intention regularly, taking inspired action towards your goals.

Remember that the power of this ritual comes from your intention and focus. By aligning with the energies of the Autumn Equinox and the sacred cacao, you can attract abundance into your life. Enjoy the process and trust that abundance is on its way to you.