11 Tips for the Winter Blues

January on the whole can be a bit of a mood killer. The weather is unpredictable, finances aren’t the best, the state of the world is topsy-turvy, and to top it all off we’ve been in a Mercury retrograde since the beginning of the year…

We always suggest drinking Ceremonial-Grade Ritual Cacao on a daily basis during the Winter months to boost your serotonin and dopamine levels, and let the bliss molecule Anandamide help you feel loved up and blissed out.

But to help you navigate what may feel like a challenging month, we have put together some practical ideas to help inspire and motivate you and keep you balanced and focused, regardless of what life throws at you.

  1. Feel Your Feelings

    It is estimated that millions of people in the UK are affected by the winter blues, so don’t beat yourself up if you are feeling down. Take the pressure off and allow yourself to feel everything, knowing that ‘this too shall pass’ and it’s okay, not to feel okay. Once we surrender and accept we can see the solutions more clearly and adapt to any situation.

  2. Move Your Body

    Just like Ceremonial-Grade Cacao, exercise releases ‘happy’ hormones called endorphins that make us feel uplifted. From low intensity exercise, such as going for a walk, or something faster paced like a full on HIIT workout, feel out what your body needs. Find the workout you love to do, and make it a regular ritual.

  3. Light The Way

    Natural daylight is another free and simple way of boosting your serotonin production. If you’re feeling SAD, make yourself a Ritual Cacao brew, take a stroll and soak up the natural beauty around you.

  4. Ditch The Booze

    Alcohol depletes us of our natural dopamine and serotonin. Taking a break from booze this month is a great way to riff off your own mood-regulating chemicals instead. If you like the ritual of rounding off the week with a Friday night tipple, switch to a yummy cup of Ritual Cacao instead.

  5. Switch Off Tech

    Okay, okay… we all love a bit of night time scrolling don’t we? But make it a priority this year to stop scrolling before bed and allow your eyes and mind to rest fully. Switching off the series you’re currently watching and swap it for a real life book helps us get a good night’s sleep :)

  6. Get A Good Night’s Sleep

    Go to bed a bit earlier, your future self will thank you for it. Not getting enough good quality sleep leaves us feeling stressed out and irritated. Research studies show that sleeping less than five hours a night for several nights in a row can have a negative effect on our mental and physical wellbeing.

  7. And Breathe

    Breathing helps oxygenate the blood, re-energises the body, and brings mental clarity. For an eye opening read, or maybe we should say a nasal expanding one, we highly recommend you check out the book Breathe.

  8. Gut Instinct

    Gut health is increasingly linked to mental health. The food we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our mood. Did you know that Ceremonial-Grade Cacao is great for your gut? Be mindful of your gut instinct (intuition), and tune into what’s needed for your gut flora to flourish this year. Click here for our blog on why Cacao is great for the gut.

  9. Less Is More

    A simple tidy up, clean, refresh and organisation of your home and space will make life just that bit easier. Clutter and mess increases the production of cortisol. Set an hour or two once a week to get the de-clutter ball rolling, and very soon your space will be clearer and calmer.

  10. Create Rituals, Not Resolutions

    Around the new year we give ourselves resolutions to stick to and new challenges or projects to take on. While it’s good to have goals, the resolutions we often set can be high-pressure and unrealistic. creating disappointment if they are not achieved or broken quickly. This year create Rituals, instead of resolutions to feel more peaceful and harmonious. Click here for our January Ritual

  11. Treat Yourself For £11.11

    If your funds are low, but you enjoy a spot of retail therapy, treat yourself to something inexpensive and fun. Only rule is you can only spend upto a maximum of £11.11. You will be surprised what you can find when you look for a bargain.

We hope these tips inspire you if are needing a little extra motivation this January

If you need to stock up on your ceremonial-grade cacao, visit our online shop